Hi, my name is

Jonathan Streetman

Coding is like my ultimate jam!

I'm a software engineer, i possess problem-solving skills and specialize in crafting exceptional digital experiences. My current area of focus is in the NextJS Framework, where I actively engage in learning and developing a designing immersive fullstack applications. This involves working with NodeJS And MongoDB.
01.About Me
Hello! My name is Jonathan, and I am a passionate software engineer and problem solver, dedicated to creating impactful codes that thrive on the internet. My journey in Software engineering began in 2019 when I delved into the world of Android app development using Android Studio. I enjoyed changing computer OS and plying around with the linux terminal. After styling my first button in a web browser , I Immediately fell in love with programming. I realized that this is something I want to pursue because I loved the idea that I am able to take a blank canvas of a website and form it into a masterpiece.
Since pursuing my Self taught journey , my career has taken me through diverse industries, allowing me to refine my expertise in desktop and web development. In the realm of Javascript, I am dedicated to pushing boundaries and driving advancements. With Countless hours of Udemy , Practice does not make perfect, but it makes Permanent.
Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently :
Material UI
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02. Certifications
Web Development
Web Development by Dr.Angela Yu
September 2023

The Web Development Course by 'Dr.Angela Yu' was my first online course regarding 'software engineering.' Prior to the course, the knowldge of the 'backend was vague. During the course I learned how to properly design and style a website in the 'HTML ' interface. 'Dr.Angela Yu ' also emphasized the importance of a responsive website which pertains to the content fitting on smaller screens. Towards the end of the course I learned 'NodeJS 'Embedded Javascript, and MongoDB. Essentially, using 'EJS ' accompanied by 'NodeJS ' and 'MongoDB, of course let us not forget 'ExpressJS, It was at that moment I was able to create a backend website by utilizing 'ExpressJS to provide a server to run the backend on, and with NodeJS and MongoDB involved, I established my first CRUD operations.

03. Projects

The Mern Stack. I played a crucial role in developing This CRUD Operation This is built using material-ui as the frontend design while a RestFul API was implemented enabling users to create read update and delete. Using MongoDB it is possible for users to create a simple blog account where the CRUD Operation is possible through ExpressJs.

    MongoDBExpressJSReactJSNodeJSMaterial UI
Recent ProjectReact Portfolio

Elevate your online presence with our meticulously crafted ReactJS portfolio, seamlessly blending sleek design and advanced functionality. Our professional solution extends beyond the standard portfolio, incorporating a sophisticated admin panel that empowers you to effortlessly manage and showcase your work. Try it out and see for yourself

Currently being worked on...

FaithFriend social network will soon allow visitors to create accounts where essentially they can post, comment, react, share other posts, friend system, and messaging system. Faithfriend will also contain an administrator panel which governs data from the website to effectively monitor whether or not users are adhering to the rules of the site. This project is currently being revamped to use NextJS as its framework


Say hello

I'm Always open for any new opportunities, my inbox is open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hello, I'll try my best to get back to you!